December 22, 2008

Would you ever be my would you be my fucking boyfriend?

Boys are ridiculous! For reals.
I am ready for bed.

December 9, 2008

Is this love, is this love, is this love, is this love that I'm feeling?

"steadfast love surrounds those who trust in the Lord." - Psalm 32:10

This morning it was sure nice to read of a promise David said so long ago at the end of Psalm 32, "steadfast love surrounds those who trust in the Lord." I am then curious as to the definition of "steadfast" because as a Christian we read this word all the time and sort of know it, but I don't know if we really know the exact definition, that is why I am about to tell you: resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. Now I must look at what "resolutely" means...admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering. Therefore, "steadfast" means to be purposefully firm and unwavering. So, unwavering love or firm love (I see it as when you have a garage sale or a craig's list ad and you say that the price of the object you're selling is "firm" meaning it is not going to change, don't even bother bargaining because it's not going down, if anything it'll go up before it goes down.) Unwavering, or firm love surrounds me. It surrounds you too if you trust in the Lord. No matter what anyone does or says to me hopefully I can be comforted in the fact that I am surrounded by a love that never weakens. A love that will always stay as strong as the day it got there. A love with an eternal guarantee.

"The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it,
the world, and those who live in it;" Psalm 24:1

I am also somewhat struggling with an idol. We know idols are not real. There are not actually other gods in this universe, and yet we still put tangible things in God's place in our thoughts and hearts, at least I know I do. Yesterday Prabha asked us to think of that one thing that we always, always stumble over no matter where we are (at least I think he asked us to do that) and the only thing that came to my mind of course was men. Men, men, men. Everywhere I go men take over my life. Mostly because I allow that to happen. I cannot figure out how to stop it from happening. It just happens and I wrestle with it the entire length of any season of my life. Then, when the wrestling is over and I take one sigh of relief, another man comes waltzing into my life and the cycle starts all over again. Dear Lord Jesus. BUT in spite of all that I was put a little at ease this morning being reminded that all the people who live in the world belong to the Lord. Even the men I struggle with. They are no better than any other man I have developed any sort of feelings for. They are the same as the j-hole I have wanted to sic my 5 brothers on, and the same as my wonderful dad who has the biggest heart of any man I've ever known. I can look at every man now and hopefully worry less about everything because they are God's just as I am God's. God will lead the right man to me some day. This is a promise he gave me during DTS, and you'd think I would find confidence in this promise and not fall in love everywhere I go, but it is hard to shake the way I've acted my entire life. I don't have to worry about not ever getting married, so now I should be concerned about things of the Lord, right? Right? I am human, I have desires. This is my biggest struggle in life, and I pray God heals me of this desire to always have someone I am twitter-pated by. I just want it to be God.